Monday, September 26, 2011

the hunting season begins...

 Duck opener was a hit! Matt, his dad, brother, and friend went out on Saturday and shot three ducks - but saw many many more. Remi had a good time retrieving some birds, swimming around, and being tuckered out when he got home (which is also a favorite time of mine!!!). It was fun that I got to go with Matt on Sunday, for my first ever duck hunting experience! I watched as Matt called in a lone drake, got ready and took one shot. I saw Remi get SUPER excited as the bird fell into some tall grass, and I also got to see Remi find the bird! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to go out again! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It feels like fall...

I am loving this weather! The mornings are crisp, its breezy, and it smells like fall! Its my kind of weather! Uggs and scarfs are headed my way. I think Remi is liking this weather too! He seems to only want to be outside. 

Well, tonight is a dinner party with a few couples at our house! I am so excited to see everyone, and I'm pretty excited to eat come chili for the first time this fall! It's finally cold enough for me to feel okay to eat soup. We finally have all of our house projects are complete! Its such a good feeling. The kitchen is so fantastic, much better than what it was when we first moved in. I spent most of the day, on Sunday, painting the ceiling and the trim! I am so glad that its over and the house is clean!